14 March, 2024

Episode 4 – Dealing with Financially Distressed Property Enquiries (Repossession / Mortgage Arrears)

Ruban Selvanayagam and James Durr discuss how they handle financially distressed properties – i.e. where a homeowner has fallen into mortgage arrears or is under the threat of repossession.

Topics discussed include ascertaining the exact level of secured debt, hidden fees imposed by mortgage lenders, obtaining a letter of authority, how property investors can intervene and potentially stop the repossession process and what happens after a property gets repossessed…

Relevant Links

How to Stop Repossession 

Dealing with Mortgage Arrears

Property Solvers (Sell House Fast)

Property Solvers (We Buy Any House)

Property Solvers Auctions

Property Auctions News

How to Value Your House