9 July, 2024

Episode 19 – Buying and Selling Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Ruban Selvanayagam of Property Solvers speaks with House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) sales specialist Richard Nicholls. They delve into the current state of this niche sector, the realities of investing, finance, the risks of overleveraging, over-egged commercial valuations, “ready made” HMOs, maximising returns, the various HMO investment strategies, valuations and London HMOs.

Links (Resources) Referred to in the Podcast

How to Sell Your House at Auction (Property Solvers)

Sell House at Auction – A Complete Guide (Property Auctions News)

Buy Auction Property (Property Solvers Auction)

What is an Auction Legal Pack (Property Solvers Auctions)

Auction Legal Pack – A Complete Guide (Property Auctions News)

Modern Method of Auction (Property Solvers Auctions)

Modern Method of Auction (Property Solvers News)

HMO Sales Expert

Richard Nicholls on LinkedIn

Relevant Links