11 June, 2024

Episode 18 – Buying and Selling at Property Auctions with David Sandeman (Essential Information Group)

Ruban Selvanayagam from Property Solvers speaks with auction specialist and Managing Director of Essential Information Group (EIG). They explore how the auction platform first came about, the evolution of property auctions and move to online, why sellers are more open to the idea of property auctions, advice for buying + selling at auction, legal factors (including Special Conditions of Sale and the auction legal pack), the modern method of auction, landlords selling up at auction, Consumer Protection Regulations (CPRs) / Anti Money Laundering (AML) checks and much more!

Links (Resources) Referred to in the Podcast

Essential Information Group

David Sandeman on LinkedIn

How to Sell Your House at Auction (Property Solvers)

Sell House at Auction – A Complete Guide (Property Auctions News)

Buy Auction Property (Property Solvers Auction)

What is an Auction Legal Pack (Property Solvers Auctions)

Auction Legal Pack – A Complete Guide (Property Auctions News)

Modern Method of Auction (Property Solvers Auctions)

Modern Method of Auction (Property Solvers News)

Relevant Links