House Prices in NE1 House Prices in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

The average house price in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) is £171,633 using HM Land Registry data.

The average property price increased by £118,448 (-49.74%) over the last 5 years and increased by £23,727 (-15.33%) over the last 12 months.

Over the last year, there were 85 residential property sales – a decrease of 8 transactions (-9.41%) relative to the previous year. The majority of house sales (22) were in the £146,000 - £174,000 range. Then came properties in the £118,000 - £146,000 range, where 18 were sold within this price bracket.

Excluding fall throughs, properties are taking an average of 273 days to sell (from being listed to completion) and the average difference between asking and sold prices is £-6,404 (-4%).

In January 2025, there were 35 new estate agency instructions, 17 agreed home sales and 23 property price reductions.

5-Year Average Property Prices in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)


Property prices in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) decreased by -49.74% in last 5 years.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 5 years, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Average Property Prices in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) Over the Last Year


Property prices in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) decreased by -15.33% in last 12 months.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 12 months, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Property Market Heat Gauge for NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) - January 2025

Our Property Market Heat Gauge looks at how long properties in your postcode district have been on the open market before being changed to sold 'Subject to Contract' ('STC') or 'Under Offer' on Rightmove (the UK's leading property portal).

At 81 to 100 days, the broad evidence suggests a very slow moving market. This can often be due to estate agency over-valuations out of sync with the realities, a notable market slowdown or a combination of both. In such scenarios, vendors may either choose to wait for the market to pick up (which may result in relisting the property at a later date). Those committed to selling will often need to drop the price to a level that will entice genuine homebuyer interest or approach a sell house fast or auction company like Property Solvers.

Please note that this is not an indicator of how quickly property sales are taking to complete (i.e. to go through the whole conveyancing process). This measurement also does not take into account the risk of home sales falling through.

No. of New Instructions Over the Last 12 Months in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties that have come on to the market.

No. of Agreed Home Sales Over the Last 12 Months in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of property sales agreed. Note that these figures are not fully reflective of properties completed (sold and registered as such at HM Land Registry).

No. of Properties with Price Reductions in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties which have been seen their prices dropped (typically due to a lack of buyer interest).

Average Annual House Prices in the NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) Postcode since 1995

Using HM Land Registry data, this chart displays average annual house prices in the NE1 postcode area since 1995.

Recent Sales in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

AddressInitial PriceSold PricePrice ChangeFirst Listed DateSold DateDays to Sell
6/12, 55 Degrees North, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 6BG£130,000£128,500-£1,50019 Apr 202429 Nov 2024224 Days
Apartment 512, The Bar, St James Gate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 4BA£155,000£150,000-£5,00013 Feb 202408 Nov 2024269 Days
17a, St Thomas Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 4LE£215,000£215,000£019 Jun 202423 Sep 202496 Days
34h, Clayton Street West, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 5DZ£100,000£98,000-£2,00011 Mar 202404 Sep 2024177 Days
8/5, 55 Degrees North, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 6BG£120,000£120,000£024 Apr 202309 Aug 2024473 Days
Apartment 26, Hanover Mill, Hanover Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 3AB£150,000£150,000£022 Sep 202307 May 2024228 Days
8/7, 55 Degrees North, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 6BG£160,000£150,000-£10,00027 Nov 202324 Apr 2024149 Days
Apartment 6, Mill House, Hanover Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 3AG£170,000£150,000-£20,00012 May 202305 Apr 2024329 Days
9/17, 55 Degrees North, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 6BJ£125,000£123,000-£2,00005 Jun 202329 Jan 2024238 Days
Loft 45, The Turnbull, Queens Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 1NA£130,000£123,000-£7,00004 Aug 202325 Jan 2024174 Days
Apartment 415, Pandongate House, City Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 2AY£149,950£130,000-£19,95020 Apr 202311 Dec 2023235 Days
3 Charlotte Mews, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 4XH£140,000£135,000-£5,00028 Jan 202304 Dec 2023310 Days
51 Gibson Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 2LF£130,000£125,500-£4,50004 Apr 202312 Jul 202399 Days
Apartment 414, Pandongate House, City Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 2AY£180,000£178,000-£2,00007 Sep 202028 Jun 20231024 Days
30 Blackfriars Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 4XB£105,000£105,000£008 Jul 202210 Feb 2023217 Days
Loft 44, The Turnbull, Queens Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 1NA£130,000£130,000£011 Oct 202231 Jan 2023112 Days
5/14, 55 Degrees North, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 6BF£160,000£155,000-£5,00025 Apr 202216 Dec 2022235 Days
18l, Clayton Street West, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 5BU£170,000£170,000£011 Dec 202023 Sep 2022651 Days
77d, Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 5JF£145,000£138,000-£7,00006 Oct 202105 Sep 2022334 Days
23 The Open, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 4DB£140,000£135,000-£5,00008 Mar 202218 Aug 2022163 Days

Most Expensive Streets in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
NE1 4LNLeazes CrescentNewcastle Upon Tyne£314,1663
NE1 2DQOuse StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne£310,57128
NE1 1SAStamp Exchange, Westgate RoadNewcastle Upon Tyne£307,5003
NE1 3UFAkenside House, Akenside HillNewcastle Upon Tyne£247,2005
NE1 2BJMariners Wharf, QuaysideNewcastle Upon Tyne£242,14221
NE1 4LQSt Thomas TerraceNewcastle Upon Tyne£221,3333
NE1 1NAThe Turnbull, Queens LaneNewcastle Upon Tyne£221,19418
NE1 4DAThe MewsNewcastle Upon Tyne£205,6663
NE1 6BJPilgrim StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne£195,7857
NE1 4DLCitygate, Bath LaneNewcastle Upon Tyne£190,1005

Least Expensive Streets in NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
NE1 2AQOpto Student Newcastle, City RoadNewcastle Upon Tyne£87,33756
NE1 2QPSt Anns CloseNewcastle Upon Tyne£101,3333
NE1 4BPPeel House, Temple Street, Newcastle Upon TyneNewcastle Upon Tyne£101,9005
NE1 4XBBlackfriars CourtNewcastle Upon Tyne£107,1878
NE1 2AESallyport House, City RoadNewcastle Upon Tyne£108,6427
NE1 2BNLime Square, City RoadNewcastle Upon Tyne£110,50010
NE1 4XHCharlotte MewsNewcastle Upon Tyne£114,7005
NE1 5EEClarendon House, Clayton Street West, Newcastle Upon TyneNewcastle Upon Tyne£114,95013
NE1 5XDMonk StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne£116,1663
NE1 2DDBreamish StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne£118,0003

Explore NE1 (Newcastle Upon Tyne) using map