The average house price in Shoreditch is £1,184,587 using HM Land Registry data.
The average property price decreased by £332,681 (--27.9%) over the last 5 years and decreased by £66,642 (--7.19%) over the last 12 months.
Over the last year, there were 57 residential property sales – a decrease of 41 transactions (-71.93%) relative to the previous year. The majority of house sales (19) were in the £658,000 - £836,000 range. Then came properties in the £836,000 - £1,014,000 range, where 11 were sold within this price bracket.
Excluding fall throughs, properties are taking an average of 100 days to sell (from being listed to completion) and the average difference between asking and sold prices is £-23,776 (-3%).
In January 2025, there were 21 new estate agency instructions, 3 agreed home sales and 16 property price reductions.
Property prices in Shoreditch decreased by -27.9% in last 5 years.
Property prices in Shoreditch decreased by -7.19% in last 12 months.
Address | Initial Price | Sold Price | Price Change | First Listed Date | Sold Date | Days to Sell |
Flat 27, Victoria Chambers, Paul Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4ED | £380,000 | £365,000 | -£15,000 | 20 Oct 2023 | 09 Aug 2024 | 294 Days |
Flat 23, Cleeve House, Calvert Avenue, London, Greater London, E2 7JJ | £775,000 | £750,000 | -£25,000 | 15 Jun 2023 | 08 Mar 2024 | 267 Days |
Flat 28, Victoria Chambers, Paul Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4ED | £425,000 | £415,000 | -£10,000 | 22 Sep 2023 | 23 Jan 2024 | 123 Days |
Flat 17, Victoria Chambers, Luke Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4EE | £450,000 | £427,500 | -£22,500 | 22 Mar 2022 | 27 Jul 2022 | 127 Days |
61a, Rivington Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 3QQ | £995,000 | £950,000 | -£45,000 | 17 Aug 2020 | 26 Jan 2021 | 162 Days |
15 French Place, London, Greater London, E1 6JB | £280,000 | £270,000 | -£10,000 | 15 Jan 2020 | 30 Sep 2020 | 259 Days |
Flat 7, Victoria Chambers, Luke Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4EE | £435,000 | £422,500 | -£12,500 | 07 Feb 2019 | 30 Aug 2019 | 204 Days |
Flat 23, Cleeve House, Calvert Avenue, London, Greater London, E2 7JJ | £675,000 | £630,000 | -£45,000 | 26 Apr 2018 | 22 Aug 2018 | 118 Days |
Flat 18, Victoria Chambers, Luke Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4EE | £450,000 | £435,000 | -£15,000 | 12 May 2017 | 28 Feb 2018 | 292 Days |
Flat 16, Victoria Chambers, Luke Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4EE | £450,000 | £435,000 | -£15,000 | 12 May 2017 | 08 Feb 2018 | 272 Days |
Postcode | Street | Area | Average | No. of Sales |
EC2A 2FG | Principal Place | London | £2,642,711 | 13 |
EC2A 2FF | Principal Place | London | £2,101,451 | 18 |
EC2A 2FE | Principal Place | London | £1,234,239 | 20 |
EC2A 4LE | City Lofts 112-116 | Tabernacle Street, London | £1,231,250 | 4 |
EC2A 2FJ | Sun Street | London | £1,122,386 | 181 |
EC2A 2FD | Principal Place | London | £1,101,272 | 19 |
EC2A 2FB | Principal Place | London | £1,057,817 | 14 |
EC2A 3QR | Great Eastern Street | London | £967,000 | 3 |
EC2A 3NL | Hewett Street | London | £957,359 | 74 |
EC2A 3HH | Batemans Row | London | £808,550 | 5 |
Postcode | Street | Area | Average | No. of Sales |
EC2A 4ED | Victoria Chambers | Paul Street, London | £391,250 | 4 |
E2 7JQ | Boundary Street | London | £585,000 | 10 |
EC2A 3EU | Garden Walk | London | £614,000 | 4 |
E2 7JG | Boundary Street | London | £625,000 | 3 |
EC2A 4PA | Christina Street | London | £663,666 | 3 |
EC2A 3HH | Batemans Row | London | £808,550 | 5 |
EC2A 3NL | Hewett Street | London | £957,359 | 74 |
EC2A 3QR | Great Eastern Street | London | £967,000 | 3 |
EC2A 2FB | Principal Place | London | £1,057,817 | 14 |
EC2A 2FD | Principal Place | London | £1,101,272 | 19 |