Monthly updated data on UK House Prices (at regional and postcode levels) plus alongside property market trends (5-year and 1 year timescales), property market heat, number of new instructions / agreed home sales / house price reductions, recent sales / sold prices, most / least expensive streets and interactive map covering England & Wales.
Monthly updated data on London House Prices (at regional and postcode levels) plus alongside property market trends (5-year and 1 year timescales), property market heat, number of new instructions / agreed home sales / house price reductions, recent sales / sold prices, most / least expensive streets and interactive map covering Greater London.
We delve into a range of conveyancing (the legal process of buying and selling homes) including fees, processes, timelines, DIY conveyancing, searches, exchange, completion (including info. on understanding completion statements and what happens on completion day), putting pressure on solicitors, missives (and Scottish conveyancing) and more…
Property Solvers delve into all related to homeownership taxation including posts on Capital Gains Tax (including the calculator).